01 January 2019

15 January 2019, Gasa: 
Today evening, everyone interested and available gathered at the Dzongkhag Tshogdue Hall to bid farewell to the following staffs leaving on transfers:

1. Dorji Dhradhul, Dzongda (21/04/2015 to 19/01/2019) to Thimphu as DG, Tourism Council of Bhutan.
2. Kinley Gyeltshen, Project Manager of the Gasa Dzong conservation Project (01/03/2014 to 19/01/2019)       to Rajgir, India as the PM for the Bhutan Temple construction Project.
3. Zeko Tashi, an Assistant engineer (01/10/2010 to Jan 2019) to Wangdue Dzongkhag
4. Karma Tshering, Dzongkhag Election Officer (14/02/2014 to Jan 2019) to Saprpang Dzongkhag
5. Dago, ESP (01/07 2002 to Feb 2019) – resignation 
6. Dipendra Subha, HA, Lunana (15/02/2015 to Jan 2019) to Bumthang

Since last few years, Dzongkhag introduced a new way of bidding farewell to the outgoing staff as follows.

Without exception, the parting gift has been standardized as - a Bardo Throedoel prayer book (Nu. 300) and a Good to Great Gasa Certificate. Such a system is expected to promote an equal and fair treatment to all regardless of position and seniority and also minimize the financial burden by not having to contribute to buying expensive gifts. In the past, the staff in higher positions like Dzongda were given parting gifts worth more compared to those in the lower positions and in some worse cases, some junior and lower position staff would have already left on transfer without notice of anyone.

We would like to thank them all for their contribution to the dzongkhag and wish them great luck and great happiness. Tashi Delek!
